Hmm have been quite some time since i last worked on any modeling related projects. But with my summer vacation over, it is time to get busy with the modeling again. I have had close to a month to ponder over new ideas so I am ready to get going.
I have some ideas for the walls, doing the with a angle like the tower, and I most say I am pretty satisfied with the result.

I am thinking about using some strips of plastic card to cover up to joints, making it look steel reinforced like the tower.
At first I was think about using the agies defence line bits for the parapet, but the bends will make it look weird. So I am just making them out of foam like the rest of the wall.

(space marine just for size compariosen and not included in the final product?)
I am gonna do the stone work just like the other parts of the wall, and the glue the part together, witch also means the for now i am stuck since I don't have my glue with me atm, but hopefully I will be able to get it tomorrow.